Archive for the ‘Understanding Women’ Category






Yue Xu, Miss Singlefied, sits down with Kenyon Salo to discuss how relationship turmoil can be the source of inspiration for something greater.  Click through images to listen to the full episode.
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Yue Xu, aka Miss Singlefied, has been quoted in the latest Men’s Health article:


Men's Health 5 Ways She Plays Hard to Get


There’s a method behind her madness: She’s playing hard to get to gauge your interest and level of commitment, a new study in the European Journal of Personality reveals. Women who act demure at first are mainly looking to weed out guys who want one-night-stands rather than real relationships, says study author Peter K. Jonason, Ph.D.

But is your new lust playing an evolutionary dating game or is she just not that into you? Don’t feel bad if you’re not sure—you’re wired to think she’s interested, even if she’s not, READ MORE HERE

Nothing says "I dig you" like pork fat

Nothing says “I dig you” like pork fat

Lucky for all of us suckers, Valentine’s Day falls on a Friday this year, which means Friday night is going to be one big pink, cheesy orgy. This year, I keep getting asked the same question from you guys over and over again. So, in the interest of time (and my sanity), let me answer it in a post.


“I just started dating a girl and we’re not serious yet.  I don’t think it’s appropriate to make a grand gesture for Valentine’s Day.  Is it OK if I just not celebrate it with her?”


“I’ve been seeing this girl I really like.  She anti-Valentine’s Day and already told me she doesn’t like all the cheesy gestures.  Should I just take her word for it and not celebrate it with her?”


It doesn’t matter what scenario you’re in, if you are seeing someone and you happen to LIKE this person, YES you should do something for Valentine’s Day.  Here’s the reason why: It really doesn’t matter what she tells you about her feelings toward the “holiday,” if you like her, wouldn’t you want to do something nice for her?  Think of Valentine’s Day as just another opportunity to show her that you like her.  Even if she’s verbally against everything V-day stands for, no girl will ever turn down a nice gesture.  In other words, it can’t give you negative points.


1) If you just started seeing someone new, make a smaller, but meaningful, gesture.  Do something or tailor something to her interests.  And to make it more casual, go for an activity-based date, such as a hike or a trip to the zoo.  TIP: It doesn’t always have to be dinner, chocolate and flowers.

2) If you are dating a girl who doesn’t like the cheesiness factor of Valentine’s Day, then do something non-traditional!  Maybe something stems from an inside joke, or go out and make fun of the cheesiness that’s happening.  TIP: JUST DO SOMETHING.  Every girl still wants to be recognized that day, whether she wants to admit to it or not.

And for those of you who are single for V-day, consider getting some heart candies for all of your female co-workers (the way we used do it in school).  The better “in” you have with the females around you, the better the chance they’ll set you up with their very eligible single friends.